
Influence Archives - Page 10 of 11 - How to be Awesome at Your Job

100: “Going there” with (Uncle!) Topper Steinman

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Topper Steinman says: "We need to build on assets as much as we need to deal with deficits."

My uncle and first speaking mentor, Topper Steinman, shares his genius on how to enter into tricky conversational territory.

You’ll Learn:

  1. How to talk about just about anything, with anyone
  2. Rules of engagement for effectively handling confrontation
  3. Approaches for moving from ‘what’ and ‘so what’ to ‘now what’

About Topper
Topper Steinman is a counselor and consultant from Champaign, Il. with 40 years experience in teaching, counseling, and consulting.  As a workshop facilitator and speaker, his topics cover a wide variety of interest areas with efforts aimed at bridging the adult/youth gap while creating a healthy sense of self and others. He holds a Mediation Training Certificate from CDR Associates of Boulder, Colo.  and is a certified instructor in Parent and Teacher Effectiveness and an experienced T.E.S.A. trainer.
Topper has been the recipient of the Illinois State Board of Education “Those Who Excel” award as outstanding counselor, the “Outstanding Young Educator” award, and Champaign-Urbana’s “Community Builder’s Award” among other honors in his tenure in education.

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099: Likability Principles with Michelle Tillis Lederman

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Michelle Lederman says: "Vulnerability leads to credibility."

Michelle Tillis Lederman shares approaches to finding what’s likable in yourself to conveying it to others.

You’ll Learn:

  1. How to form your self-perception to guide other’s perception of you
  2. The power of opening yourself up to feedback
  3. How to use curiosity for creating connections in conversation

About Michelle
Michelle Tillis Lederman is known for her energetic, engaging, and authentic presentations. An expert on workplace communications and relationships, Michelle’s mission is to help people communicate and lead with confidence, clarity, and connection. She is an accomplished speaker, trainer, coach, and author of three books including The 11 Laws of LikabilityHeroes Get Hired and Nail The Interview – Land The Job, and named by Forbes as one of the 25 Professional Networking Experts to Watch.

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062: Building Trust with Dr. Michelle Reina

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Michelle Reina says: "[Trust] really is the hardest part of leadership... and it is the part that will drive the greatest results."

Dr. Michelle Reina discusses how to build trust among team members and why it’s so important that we do so.

You’ll Learn:

  1. The three key components that define trust
  2. What trusting and untrusting behaviors look like in practice
  3. What you can do to identify trusting relationships and develop ones lacking in trust

About Michelle

Dr. Michelle Reina and Dr. Dennis Reina, cofounders of The Reina Trust Building Institute, are leading authorities on helping leaders build, rebuild and sustain trust to produce business results. Over the last 17 years, their research and consulting practice has supported such organizations as American Express, Boeing, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Toyota, Walt Disney World, US Army Chaplaincy, US Dept of Education, Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Harvard & Yale Universities, and many others. Their bestselling work, Trust & Betrayal in the Workplace won the 2007 Nautilus Book Award and the 2008 Axiom Book Award. Rebuilding Trust in the Workplace was awarded the 2011 Axiom Book Award.

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050: Getting the Boss to Listen to You with Jim Lukaszewski

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Jim Lukaszewski says: "Before you can share your wisdom, you have to understand how the person you're advising, the person who operates the business, thinks."

James E. Lukaszewski, the man known as America’s Crisis Guru, shares how to handle and resolve crises within organizations from a strategic perspective.  

You’ll learn:
1. The power of being a strategist and thinking differently than everyone else
2. The 7 disciplines of being a trusted advisor
3. The 3 steps to giving impactful 3-minute advice

About James
James (Jim) E. Lukaszewski is one of America’s most visible corporate go-to people for senior executives when there is trouble in the room or on the horizon. As America’s Crisis Guru®, He has been recognized for lifetime achievement in his profession by most of the major public relations organizations in the United States. He served for 22 years on the Public Relations Society of America’s Board of Ethics and Professional Standards (BEPS) and is now its first Emeritus member. He has written twelve books, including
Why Should The Boss Listen to You, and hundreds of articles.

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040: Tactics for Office Politics with Casey Hawley

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Casey Hawley says: "You should always, always be ready to go."Business communication guru Casey Hawley shares tips and tricks for delicate conversations around the office.

You’ll learn:
1. How to deal with your ‘dragons’
2. Key words and phrases for dealing with a bad boss.
3. How to enroll others in mentoring you and championing your ideas

About Casey
Casey Hawley teaches at Georgia State University and has consulted clients such as the NFL, Department of the Interior, and over a dozen Fortune 500 corporations on communication. She conducts workshops on writing and speaking for professionals.

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