
Relationships Archives - Page 46 of 52 - How to be Awesome at Your Job

133: Boomerang Employees: A New Perspective on Lifelong Loyalty with Lee Caraher

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Lee Caraher says: "If your former employees are dead to you, then you're working too hard to find new ones."

Lee Caraher returns to talk about why it’s unrealistic to expect employees to stay for long stretches and the mutual benefits by “boomeranging.”

You’ll Learn:

  1. A fresh definition of lifelong loyalty for the changing times
  2. How to make a graceful exit for both employees and employers
  3. How to tell if you’re boomerang ready

About Lee

Lee is the founder and CEO of a highly sought after communications firm known for producing great results with its innovative approach to traditional, digital and experiential programs. She has a long history of leading high-performing, multi-generational teams that enjoy working together. Lee is a champion for creating a positive workplace culture that fully supports its talent, even when they choose to move on. She takes the long view to support employees building their own personal brands that balance loyalties to themselves and their employers. Lee believes that companies able to inspire lifetime loyalty from employees — currently or formerly employed — are the companies that are best suited to thrive. She has long recognized that people will leave employers and understands the real problems this causes for companies.

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129: Building a Better Team with Bennett Bratt

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Bennett Bratt says: "Teams are the dark matter of organizations. We just don't see them very well... but we see the effects of them."

Ben Bratt identifies critical elements of great teams to help get strategic view on how to build your team’s strengths and confront your team’s weaknesses.

You’ll Learn:

  1. The 16 variables of a great team
  2. Why 80% of the teams you’re on are not effective – and what to do about it
  3. An approach to creating an open discussion of the key strengths and weaknesses of your team

About Bennett

Bennett Bratt’s passion is engaging teams and transforming people-related systems. In his current role as the Principal and Founder of The Team Effectiveness Project, Ben’s quest is to unlock the true power of teams, leaders, and communities.  His Team Elements™ approach helps teams de-mystify their team experience and take positive ownership for their current situation and path forward in truly inclusive way.

Over 20+ years, Ben gained global experience and broad leadership expertise at T-Mobile, Sun Microsystems, Ford Motor Company, and Silicon Valley start-up company Model E. He earned graduate degrees in Political Science from Tulane University and in Counseling from Michigan State University.

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125: Celebrating People Leads to Celebrating Wins with Hank Fortener

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Hank Fortener says: "You are more powerful than you realize."

AdoptTogether founder Hank Fortener provides tools to celebrate your team members and create a workplace conducive to reaching optimal performance.

You’ll Learn:

  1. How to create a culture of celebrating each other in the workplace
  2. A quick approach to accelerate team camaraderie
  3. How regular questions direct what teammates think about

About Hank

AdoptTogether founder Hank Fortener understands both the harsh realities and sweet victories that are part of the adoption process. After seeing 36 foster kids move in and out of his parent’s home in Waynesville, Ohio, Hank saw the transformational power of adoption when his parents gave forever homes to eight kids from five different countries. AdoptTogether is a non-profit, crowdfunding platform that bridges the gap between families who want to adopt and the children who need loving homes. Hank is also a popular speaker who shares his leadership lessons learned along the path of creating AdoptTogether with clients such as Sony and Cardinal Health.

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124: The Science Behind Trust and High-Performance with Paul Zak

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Paul Zak says: "You can't make your own brain release oxytocin, you can just give that gift to somebody else."

Paul Zak illuminates how the brain chemical oxytocin relates to how we can develop a higher trust, lower-stress work culture.

You’ll Learn:

  1. How to measure and manage trust in the workplace
  2. The benefits of a high trust workplace
  3. Why hugs should be the new handshake

About Paul

Paul J. Zak, PhD, is founding Director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies and Professor of Economics, Psychology, and Management at Claremont Graduate University.  He was part of the team of scientists that first made the connection between oxytocin and trust – his TED talk on the topic has received more than 1.4 million views. Paul is the author of the new book Trust Factor: The Science Of Creating High-Performance Companies. Also the author of The Moral Molecule, he has appeared on ABC World News Tonight, CNN, Fox Business, Dr. Phil, and Good Morning America.  He lives in Claremont, CA.

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118: Constructive Confrontation with Jathan Janove

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Jathan Janove says: "Basically 100% of the time it's going to go far better than what your fears tell you it'll go."

Employee engagement expert / lawyer Jathan Janove shares hard-won wisdom in the management trenches.

You’ll Learn:

  1. How to breach difficult conversations with constructive confrontational questions
  2. The step-by-step to a win-win conversation
  3. The MIDAS touch method to making golden apologies

About Jathan

Having previously spent 25 years litigating workplace relationships that turned toxic, Jathan now works with employers as an organization development consultant, executive coach and trainer to improve leadership, trust, accountability, retention and employee engagement. He’s also an award-winning, internationally published author whose latest book is Hard-Won Wisdom: True Stories From The Management Trenches.


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