
Influence Archives - Page 9 of 11 - How to be Awesome at Your Job

165: How to Work with People You Dislike with Adam Kahane

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Adam Kahane says: "My big learning about conflict... is it's never as bad as you imagine it's going to be."

Reos Partners cofounder Adam Kahane shares his expertise in dealing with conflicts and effectively collaborating with the enemy.

You’ll Learn:

  1. Why conventional collaboration does not work anymore
  2. The three stretches required from collaboration
  3. What to do when you can’t collaborate

About Adam

Adam Kahane is a Director of Reos Partners, an international social enterprise that helps people move forward together on their most important and intractable issues. Adam is the author of four books on solving tough problems. His latest is Collaborating with the Enemy: How to Work with People You Don’t Agree With or Like or Trust.

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158: Forging Resilient Work Relationships with Michael Papanek

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Michael Papanek says: "I'm not against anyone but I am for myself."

Michael Papanek talks collective resilience, group breakthroughs, and the action learning model.

You’ll Learn:

  1. The keys to building resilient work relationships
  2. How to use  the Heat Curve to achieve collective resilience and innovative breakthroughs
  3. Ignored, overlooked, and CRITICAL ground rules for meetings

About Michael

Michael Papanek specializes in leadership consultancy and providing strategies, tools and skills to enact change. He is the Principal Consultant and Founder of Michael Papanek Consulting, and has advised leaders from top companies including Google, Microsoft, and Apple. Prior to that, he worked in Interaction Associates as a General Manager and was a systems engineer at Electronic Data Systems.

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155: Managing Defensiveness for Stronger Collaborations with Jim Tamm

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Jim Tamm says: "Anytime we get defensive, we are becoming ineffective."

Jim Tamm shares how managing defensiveness ensures collaborations remain cool and effective.

You’ll Learn:

  1. Why managing your defensiveness is a hidden key to effective collaborations
  2. The 3 biggest drivers of defensiveness
  3. How to stay curious – instead of furious

About Jim

For 25 years Jim was a judge dealing with collective bargaining disputes. He has mediated more school district labor strikes than any other person in the United States. Now he teaches collaboration skills in the Talent Development Program at Harvard, the International Management Program at the Stockholm School of Economics and the Leadership Academy of the University of California. His book Radical Collaboration has been on Amazon’s top seller lists for collaboration, negotiations, and organizational psychology books for 11 years.

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124: The Science Behind Trust and High-Performance with Paul Zak

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Paul Zak says: "You can't make your own brain release oxytocin, you can just give that gift to somebody else."

Paul Zak illuminates how the brain chemical oxytocin relates to how we can develop a higher trust, lower-stress work culture.

You’ll Learn:

  1. How to measure and manage trust in the workplace
  2. The benefits of a high trust workplace
  3. Why hugs should be the new handshake

About Paul

Paul J. Zak, PhD, is founding Director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies and Professor of Economics, Psychology, and Management at Claremont Graduate University.  He was part of the team of scientists that first made the connection between oxytocin and trust – his TED talk on the topic has received more than 1.4 million views. Paul is the author of the new book Trust Factor: The Science Of Creating High-Performance Companies. Also the author of The Moral Molecule, he has appeared on ABC World News Tonight, CNN, Fox Business, Dr. Phil, and Good Morning America.  He lives in Claremont, CA.

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103: Extreme Integrity with Chris McGoff

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Chris McGoff says: "Integrity means 'What I say I'm going to do, I do 100% of the time.'"

Chris McGoff discusses universal patterns in human behavior and offers his take on what integrity really means.

You’ll Learn:

  1. Approaches to building powerful alliances
  2. What the word “integrity” truly means–and how to solidify it your team
  3. Fatal patterns to watch out for in the workplace

About Chris
Chris McGoff is the founder of The Clearing, Inc., where he guides organizations to tackle their most complex and high-stake problems. Using his book, “The PRIMES: How Any Group Can Solve Any Problem “(Wiley; 2012), McGoff gives leaders clarity to see the resources they already have available.
He is a business leader and consultant with over 30 years of experience, helping leaders achieve their desired outcomes during the most uncertain times. From mergers and acquisitions to change in leadership, McGoff is passionate about serving the needs of enterprises across the globe.
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