The Enhanced Thinking and Collaboration training program has delivered over 700% ROI

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    Enhanced Thinking & Collaboration (ETC) Training Program

    Substantial and Quantifiable Value

    • Improved use of thinking and collaboration practices (up 10%)*
    • Acceleration of analyses in arriving at answers (1 hour per person per week)*
    • Reduced time wasted in meetings (24 minutes per person per week)*
    • Financial payback occurring in under one year*

    *results described emerge from before/after evaluations of multiple engineering teams at a multi-billion-dollar technology company

    The participants have spoken:
    “Overall, the improvement within the team is obvious…”


    [Clarification] will really help during the start of a project. I will clarify to understand the needs and what/how to execute.

    Now I realize that it [pushback] is the right thing to do for the team's efficiency.


    I have started to use the answer-first method. All of this is making lot of sense. I can see it’s bringing in a change to how I communicate and interact with my teams and leadership.

    This really put things in perspective… usually our slide decks are too busy. I knew something was wrong, but I could never figure out how to express it.


    Now I know what is increasing my stress levels and reducing my energy/focus.

    I feel we can adopt so many traits from this session, especially the principles of influence.

    The program is all-inclusive:

    • 10 live, 90-minute sessions for 6-18 teammates in the same room occurring weekly
    • In-session exercises and handouts
    • Face-to-face trainer contact with ongoing support and rapid responses to email, cell phone calls, and online submissions
    • Pre- and post-training team evaluation with benchmarking
    • Slides and audio recording from each session
    • Individualized Myers-Briggs assessment and reports for each teammate
    • Individual reflection prompts for each teammate after each module
    • Application challenges for all shared over an intranet
    • One-on-one accountability prompting and public reporting on individual assignment completion
    • Participation incentives

    Our training clients
    achieved over 700% ROI